MyOutdoorTV is the new go to site for all things shooting. Watch episodes of Gun Stories, The Best Defense and Shooting Gallery on your PC, Mac or mobile device. You can also watch previous shows like The Best Defense Survival, Rapid Fire and Cowboys!
This week, we also launched Shooting Gallery Online (SGO), a MyOutdoorTV Original Series. SGO covers in depth topics and products related to shooting sports and personal defense. Host Michael Bane covers new products from the firearms industry like no other. Together with long time partner and producer Marshal Halloway they are once again breaking new ground in giving the audience what they want. The content in episodes is decided based on feedback from fans of Outdoor Channel shows like Shooting Gallery, Gun Stories and The Best Defense.
For more information, how to sign up and and a promo code, see below.
MyOutdoorTV is also available on your iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
Like magic, you can have all that and more, and thanks to SHOOTING GALLERY and Michael Bane, you can get your first month for only $0.99! That's less than any toll road in New Jersey! Go directly to MY OUTDOOR TV , hit “Sign Up Now,” fill out the first page and click “Continue.” Fill out the Billing page, and where you see the box marked PROMO CODE. Enter the top, super-secret-don't even tell your worthless bum of a brother-in-law code: SGO
You'll be signed up and get your first month for $0.99! Then, for a measly $9.99 a month from then on, you get all the OUTDOOR CHANNEL you can handle. Starting in October, you also get SHOOTING GALLERY ONLINE (SGO, get it?), an original online series that you'll only be able to watch online. Think of the DOWN RANGE Radio podcast turned into a broadcast show. We'll be there the first-est with the most-est! Guaranteed! Insider coverage from SHOT and the NRA Show? Done deal. Coverage of the newest technologies by people not living in their Mom's basement? No problemo. SGO will rock.
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