Lunes, Oktubre 31, 2016
Scream, Dracula, Scream! The Vampire Hunter Colt Detective Special Revolver
On Midway USA's Gun Stories: History Of Swiss Rifles
Air times on Outdoor Channel: Wed Nov 2: 8:00PM ET | Wed Nov 2: 11:30PM ET | Thu Nov 3: 3:00AM ET | Thu Nov 3: 4:00PM ET | Tue Nov 8: 4:00PM ET.
Reference Links:
Gun Stories Home Page on
Gun Stories Facebook Fan Page:
Joe Mantegna on Facebook:
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Joe Mantegna's web site:
Apex Announces Thin Blue Line Series In Support of C.O.P.S.
PEORIA, Ariz. – Randy Lee and Scott Folk, the owners of Apex Tactical Specialties, are proud to announce the release of a special series of triggers specifically offered to raise money for the families of police officers who have died in the line of duty. With the sale of each trigger in the new Thin Blue Line Series, available only from, Apex will donate 25% of each sale to Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), the leading national organization supporting the spouses, children, parents, siblings, significant others, extended family and affected co-workers of fallen officers.
Each year, between 140 and 160 officers die in the line of duty and their families and co-workers are left to cope with the tragic loss. Organized in 1984, C.O.P.S. provides resources to help them rebuild their shattered lives.
C.O.P.S., a nationally recognized and highly respected law enforcement support organization, offers programs for survivors, including the National Police Survivors' Conference held each May during National Police Week, scholarships, peer-support at the national, state, and local levels, “C.O.P.S. Kids” counseling reimbursement program, the “C.O.P.S. Kids” Summer Camp, “C.O.P.S. Teens” Outward Bound experience for young adults, special retreats for spouses, parents, siblings, adult children, extended family, fiances/significant others and co-workers, trial and parole support, and other assistance programs.
“Apex is extremely proud to support C.O.P.S. with our Thin Blue Line Series of triggers. Like so many, we have watched in horror as the good men and women of law enforcement have come under attack. With each life lost there is a family and a community left behind to pick up the pieces. We hope that with the financial support generated through the sale of these triggers, C.O.P.S. can expand their efforts and help more families,” said Lee and Folk in a joint statement released by the company.
“C.O.P.S. thanks Apex Tactical Specialties for their generous support of America's surviving law enforcement families. With each contribution, C.O.P.S. is able to continue to provide the healing Hands-On Programs at no cost to survivors, as the price they have paid is already too high,” says Dianne Bernhard, C.O.P.S. Executive Director.
The new Thin Blue Line Series offered by Apex includes triggers for the Smith M&P, the M&P Shield and Glock model pistols. The new triggers are available now and can be ordered online at or by phone by calling Apex Customer Service at (623) 322-0200.
Thin Blue Line Series:
Apex Flat-Faced Forward Set Sear & Trigger for M&P
Part #: 100-B54
MSRP: $169.95
Apex Flat-Faced Forward Set Trigger for M&P
Part #: 100-B52
MSRP: $79.95
Apex Forward Set Sear & Trigger for M&P
Part #: 100-B67
MSRP: $164.95
Apex Forward Set Trigger for M&P
Part #: 100-B84
MSRP: $79.95
Apex Action Enhancement Trigger & Duty/Cary Kit for M&P Shield
Part #: 100-B51
MSRP: $159.95
Apex Action Enhancement Trigger for M&P Shield
Part #: 100-B50
MSRP: $76.95
Apex Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger & Duty/Cary Kit for M&P Shield
Part #: 100-B132
MSRP: $164.95
Apex Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger for M&P Shield
Part #: 100-B131
MSRP: $79.95
Apex Action Enhancement Trigger for Glock with Gen 3 Factory Trigger Bar
Part #: 102-B110
MSRP: $99.95
Action Enhancement Trigger for Glock
Apex Part #: 102-B112
MSRP: $79.95 for the Action Enhancement Trigger
For more information on parts and services from Apex Tactical Specialties, visit, like Apex Tactical on Facebook or follow @ApexTactical on Instagram and Twitter. Instructional videos on the installation of Apex parts are available on Apex's YouTube channel.
About C.O.P.S.
Concerns of Police Survivors is a nationwide not-for-profit organization with 52 Chapters across the country. Members of C.O.P.S. are always prepared to help survivors when they need it, where they need it. The organization's mission has always been to “rebuild shattered lives” of the survivors. C.O.P.S. has a membership comprised of more than 37,000 people who have identified themselves as survivors nationwide. Unfortunately, that membership continues to grow as an average of 140-160 law enforcement officers are killed every year in the line of duty.
For more information, please visit or contact us via Facebook at
Biyernes, Oktubre 28, 2016
Friday Feast: Wild Game Recipes for your Halloween Festivities
Miyerkules, Oktubre 26, 2016
Martes, Oktubre 25, 2016
Down Range Radio #492: The Coolest 9mm AR Pistol In The World!
This week, Michael talks about a new project for SHOOTING GALLERY ONLINE, which will be the coolest 9mm AR pistol in the world! He also has some advice on how a holster should be attached to the belt.
Episode #492.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.
Host: Michael Bane
Producer: Marshal Halloway
Find this episode of Down Range Radio on: iTunes | Stitcher
More information and reference links:
MyOutdoorTV (The home of Shooting Gallery Online)
Like magic, you can have all that and more, and thanks to SHOOTING GALLERY and Michael Bane, you can get your first month for only $0.99! That's less than any toll road in New Jersey! Go directly to MY OUTDOOR TV , hit “Sign Up Now,” fill out the first page and click “Continue.” Fill out the Billing page, and where you see the box marked PROMO CODE. Enter the top, super-secret-don't even tell your worthless bum of a brother-in-law code: SGO
You'll be signed up and get your first month for $0.99! Then, for a measly $9.99 a month from then on, you get all the OUTDOOR CHANNEL you can handle. Starting in October, you also get SHOOTING GALLERY ONLINE (SGO, get it?), an original online series that you'll only be able to watch online. Think of the DOWN RANGE Radio podcast turned into a broadcast show. We'll be there the first-est with the most-est! Guaranteed! Insider coverage from SHOT and the NRA Show? Done deal. Coverage of the newest technologies by people not living in their Mom's basement? No problemo. SGO will rock.
Meet The El Camino Suppressor From Q
Famous Handguns of Hollywood
Lunes, Oktubre 24, 2016
You Can Now Watch Our Shows Online On MyOutdoorTV
MyOutdoorTV is the new go to site for all things shooting. Watch episodes of Gun Stories, The Best Defense and Shooting Gallery on your PC, Mac or mobile device. You can also watch previous shows like The Best Defense Survival, Rapid Fire and Cowboys!
This week, we also launched Shooting Gallery Online (SGO), a MyOutdoorTV Original Series. SGO covers in depth topics and products related to shooting sports and personal defense. Host Michael Bane covers new products from the firearms industry like no other. Together with long time partner and producer Marshal Halloway they are once again breaking new ground in giving the audience what they want. The content in episodes is decided based on feedback from fans of Outdoor Channel shows like Shooting Gallery, Gun Stories and The Best Defense.
For more information, how to sign up and and a promo code, see below.
MyOutdoorTV is also available on your iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
Like magic, you can have all that and more, and thanks to SHOOTING GALLERY and Michael Bane, you can get your first month for only $0.99! That's less than any toll road in New Jersey! Go directly to MY OUTDOOR TV , hit “Sign Up Now,” fill out the first page and click “Continue.” Fill out the Billing page, and where you see the box marked PROMO CODE. Enter the top, super-secret-don't even tell your worthless bum of a brother-in-law code: SGO
You'll be signed up and get your first month for $0.99! Then, for a measly $9.99 a month from then on, you get all the OUTDOOR CHANNEL you can handle. Starting in October, you also get SHOOTING GALLERY ONLINE (SGO, get it?), an original online series that you'll only be able to watch online. Think of the DOWN RANGE Radio podcast turned into a broadcast show. We'll be there the first-est with the most-est! Guaranteed! Insider coverage from SHOT and the NRA Show? Done deal. Coverage of the newest technologies by people not living in their Mom's basement? No problemo. SGO will rock.
Biyernes, Oktubre 21, 2016
The Smith & Wesson Model Number One: Birth of .22 Rimfire
Huwebes, Oktubre 20, 2016
Martes, Oktubre 18, 2016
Down Range Radio #491: Kilts, Sword Makers And Heavy Metal!
Swordsmith Rob Miller. Photo Credit:
Yes! This week Michael is back from his vacation in Scotland, with tales of derring-do, kilts, sword makers and heavy metal! He also revisits the idea that in training, you need to understand both your strengths and weaknesses, or else how do you know what you need to be training?
Episode #491.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.
Host: Michael Bane
Producer: Marshal Halloway
Find this episode of Down Range Radio on: iTunes | Stitcher
More information and reference links:
MyOutdoorTV (The future home of Shooting Gallery Online)
Like magic, you can have all that and more, and thanks to SHOOTING GALLERY and Michael Bane, you can get your first month for only $0.99! That's less than any toll road in New Jersey! Go directly to MY OUTDOOR TV , hit “Sign Up Now,” fill out the first page and click “Continue.” Fill out the Billing page, and where you see the box marked PROMO CODE. Enter the top, super-secret-don't even tell your worthless bum of a brother-in-law code: SGO
You'll be signed up and get your first month for $0.99! Then, for a measly $9.99 a month from then on, you get all the OUTDOOR CHANNEL you can handle. Starting the first week of September, you also get SHOOTING GALLERY ONLINE (SGO, get it?), an original online series that you'll only be able to watch online. Think of the DOWN RANGE Radio podcast turned into a broadcast show. We'll be there the first-est with the most-est! Guaranteed! Insider coverage from SHOT and the NRA Show? Done deal. Coverage of the newest technologies by people not living in their Mom's basement? No problemo. SGO will rock.
Review of Tau Cross' First Album
“Metrics vs. Mediocracy”/Tom Givens
The Music of the Queen's Piper
The Music of Celtic Fiddle Festival
On Midway USA's Gun Stories: The Russian PKM
Air times on Outdoor Channel: Wed Oct 19: 8:00PM ET | Wed Oct 19: 11:30PM ET | Thu Oct 20: 3:00AM ET | Thu Oct 20: 4:00PM ET | Tue Oct 25: 4:00PM ET.
Reference Links:
Gun Stories Home Page on
Gun Stories Facebook Fan Page:
Joe Mantegna on Facebook:
Joe Mantegna on Twitter:
Joe Mantegna's web site: